Sunday 15 April 2012

Adventures from an air mattress

Air mattresses. Excellent aren't they? Especially those electric ones, plug them in press the switch... Bam! One bed. Brilliant. It has to be said though they are not that great if you are on them for a prolonged period of time say... a few weeks.
Currently in my house we have family friends over which is excellent, more activity in the house; cooking split up, it's wonderful. Except at night. Lying on the floor of my brothers room surrounded by clothes, rubbish and who knows what, desperately attempting to reach sleep getting close and then there it is rousing me again. That dull aching pain from the air mattress. It's been less than a week and I am not going to lie I am quite tired now.
Oh well, not like I have another week where I am actually going to be working and not on holiday, oh wait...

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