Sunday 22 April 2012

Hunger Days, Procrastination and Salvation

I wonder if it's possible, that if you eat enough food your skin will split and your insides will erupt from crack. I think that I may soon find out as I find myself unable to believe how much food I have consumed and still feel the need for more. Porridge, cereal and yoghurt, tomato soup (Heinz of course) with croutons, ice cream, yoghurt and cake. Quite ridiculous don't you think? My stomach is growling for it's next offering, beckoning an attempt to fill the gap. However, what it won't be expecting is my Mum's home cooked dinner so I'm feeling a victory will arrive soon.  I must say my hunger has shaped my day, leading me to re-watch the Hunger Games which I find to be an excellent film and a great representation of the themes from the book. Speaking of the books, I finished them the other day, feeling a re-read soon. I was literally craving more pages once my eyes reached the bottom of the last, knocked out any plans for the evening as everything seemed so meagre in comparison. Not reading the books would be an offence that should be punished by your own trip into the arena. Especially if you enjoyed the movie, or even if you didn't, the books are enthralling, literally drawing you into Panem.
Enough reviewing I think, it's just me procrastinating, in fact this whole blog is just procrastination. However I have a new theory on procrastination. When procrastinating, one is doing other things to prevent themselves from doing something they should be doing which is less preferable than said activities. My thoughts are that while you are procrastinating you are fully aware that you should in fact be doing the important uninteresting thing, therefore your mind is constantly on the task you are supposed to be doing so that when you come to do the task you actually do it in a lot shorter time than it would had you started instead of procrastinating. Therefore procrastinating is in fact helpful, unless of course you procrastinate past the deadline... Oh well French controlled assessment I have procrastinated all weekend, you won't know what hit you.

Today is the day of my salvation and of a new challenge. Today my bedroom will be vacated allowing me to sleep in my own bed tonight. If it isn't cloud-like in its comfort my expectations will be shattered and it may well break me... okay maybe not but I'll be disappointed. However I shan't be able to enjoy it too much as my Spanish Exchange arrives today. Mildly worried but I think we'll be okay as I have already met him in spain and we like the same things so it should be fun. Maybe a bit of awkwardness but the battle plan is to go out with everyone else on the exchange so it's less awkward for both of us. We shall see, if I die I'll let you know.

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